About LHS
Welcome from the Headmaster
At Leicester High School for Girls, an Independent School, we specialise in bringing out the very best in girls aged 3-18. We educate girls to their full potential whilst building their confidence through a wide range of opportunities, thus Giving Girls Education, Confidence and Opportunity.
Leicester High School is one of the academically highest-achieving schools in the country, but this is only one aspect of what the School offers. Our pastoral care is also outstanding; we are committed to developing the whole person.
One of our special qualities is that we educate girls continuously from age 3 when they enter our Early Years, to Sixth Form when they leave as fully-rounded, confident young women who can take their place in the world of the 21st Century.
Our Christian ethos is at the heart of what makes this School so special, and we embrace pupils from all faiths and none. Girls are encouraged in the traditional values of honesty, responsibility and self-reliance to have strong moral values and codes of behaviour, coupled with an awareness of others. These traditional values are balanced with a progressive curriculum to fully prepare the girls for university and beyond.
Girls make friendships that last a lifetime and leave us with broad horizons and a global outlook.
We are not a large School so everyone is someone. Girls can be themselves at Leicester High. Voices and opinions are heard and listened to with the result that self-confidence is developed. They discover and fulfil their potential and leave us believing that there is nothing they cannot do. The positive impact of education in an all-girls’ environment lasts for life.
Girls make friendships that last a lifetime and leave us with broad horizons and a global outlook. Our pastoral care, extensive extra-curricular programme and the many opportunities we provide for your daughter to explore the ‘real world’ beyond the school gates all help her to develop into a self-assured and capable young woman, possessing the academic and life skills to fulfil her potential.
We are very proud of our local and national reputation for excellence in both academic and pastoral areas. Our latest full inspection report was outstanding; indeed, we were judged ‘Excellent’ in all categories.
This website can only give you a flavour of what makes Leicester High School for Girls so special. May I warmly encourage you to visit the School and see for yourself what we have to offer. I look forward to welcoming you when you come to visit us.
Mr Alan Whelpdale