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School Transport and Buses

Exciting News: New Bus Route from Loughborough Area to Leicester High School!

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Bus Route from Market Harborough to Leicester High School

The bus route connects Market Harborough to Leicester High School, with convenient stops in Kibworth, Wigston, and Oadby along the way.

Key Details:

  • Route Stops: Market Harborough ➜ Kibworth ➜ Wigston ➜ Oadby ➜ Leicester High School
Pass Type Total Cost
Remainder of 2024 £648.00
30 Ride Bundle (15 return) £120.00


Travel on the School bus is available for students aged 8 and above when unaccompanied. If students are younger, they can travel if accompanied by an older sibling or a designated student.

Our bus routes reflect our commitment to enhancing the accessibility and convenience of attending Leicester High School for Girls.

Should you have any enquiries or require assistance with your travel arrangements, rest assured that our trusted partners at Zeelo are available around the clock, 24/7, to assist you. You can contact the Zeelo team through their website's live chat, email, or simply give them a call at 0330 808 3306.

For more information regarding our transportation options or to discuss your travel arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact our Bursar at 0116 270 5338. 

You can find out about access to the School site for current parents here.