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What is your favourite thing about Leicester high?

Leicester High School is an all-girls school with so many opportunities and no restrictions for us within the small, community environment. We can grow up confidentially and learn with non-judgemental people which really allows students to flourish. I have been at Leicester High School since I was 8 years old (Year 4). The class sizes are small so that everyone is heard but also big enough for various inputs which in turn, create valuable, interactive conversations.


What advice would you give to a new girl joining Leicester high?

Definitely to be yourself. You will always find someone you click with. When it comes to choosing subjects – find out what the teachers and curriculum are like to see if they are suitable for you. 


What makes Leicester high school special?

I think being a small, girls' school, which gives emphasis to the value of a tight knit community. We get peer support which encourages and pushes you. The teachers know their students and know each of their capabilities. Choosing my subjects in Year 9 was a smooth transition because of the support I received from my teachers.


What has been your favourite moment at Leicester high?

I have various favourite moments at Leicester High School, with major highlights being the traditional School events such as the Junior Christingle Service, Prizegiving and the Carol Service. They are all very much a symbol of celebrating everyone's achievements. The Alton Towers trip in Year 11 is another favourite of mine. As a cohort we had worked so hard together for two years and the trip was an enjoyable break before the summer.


lastly, are there any extra - curricular activities that you are involved in?

I love singing! I have been a part of many choirs. Currently, at LHS I am apart of The Debating Club, Choir, Languages Aid – this allows me to maintain my language skills. The fact that I am able to go to Spain or France and speak the language is exciting. I also run the Medics Club. This has allowed me to develop my leadership and organisational skills which are qualities that will be useful for me in the future. I am currently doing the D of E Gold Award. Miss Watson devotes so much of her spare time to go on the expeditions with us. A few of my achievements so far include The Nancy Rothwell Award (intermediate section) for a Specimen Drawing, Grade 6 Piano, LAMDA Acting Solo, Singing, Grade 8, and Music Theory, Grade 5.