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As the deadline for applying for a state secondary place fast approaches, here is our advice for those who are choosing their Secondary School.
Don't be afraid to ask questions
Hopefully you have had the opportunity to visit your potential School. Now is the time to double-check you have the answers to all your questions. You will need to find out about the curriculum, homework expectations, extracurricular and leadership opportunities, pastoral support and more! Don’t be afraid to ask for data to back up claims about academic progress. A good school will regularly examine this information to work out the best learning route for your child.
Does the School work for you practically?
Don't want until September to find out a lack of wrap-around care means you won’t be able to combine drop-off and pick-up with your working life.
Is the School the right fit for your child?
This is possibly the most important consideration! Some children thrive in a smaller environment. Some will need a school that caters for their particular interests. Some will need challenging academically. Think about whether the school is a good fit for your child and if you can picture them there – happy children make for engaged and successful learners.
Wishing every success to those of you who are applying for secondary places!