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Students Take the Lead in Leicester High School Library

Students at Leicester High School for Girls demonstrated remarkable initiative, teamwork, and leadership when they took charge of running the School Library during a brief absence of the librarian.

Determined to keep this much-loved space running smoothly and without prompting from staff, girls from different year groups came together to ensure the library remained a welcoming and well-organised hub for the whole school community. They took on key responsibilities, from issuing and returning books to maintaining creative displays and helping younger pupils find the perfect reads.

Deputy Head, Mr John Partridge, praised the students, saying: “I'm constantly reminded what a positive and caring community Leicester High is. The library is a much-loved space, and for students to show such care for their peers and support for the school is remarkable. It was wonderful to see them take pride in keeping the heart of our school alive.”

The experience gave students valuable opportunities to develop skills in leadership, responsibility, and collaboration. One student shared, “We all love the library and wanted to make sure it stayed open to help others. Working together was fun, and it showed how much we love our library.”

The school is incredibly proud of the students for their dedication, teamwork, and sense of community. Their efforts reflect the strength and shared values that make Leicester High School for Girls such a special place to learn and grow.

Tagged  Senior School