PE at Leicester High
Years studied: Years 6-11. All girls study PE as a non-examination course in Years 10 and 11.
Subject overview
The PE course helps you to learn about yourself and your capabilities, as well as your strengths and weaknesses. It forms the basis of all sports participation. You will learn how to work with and respect others and develop your leadership qualities through a wide and varying curriculum.
You will extend your range of skills, develop greater tactical awareness, raise your levels of fitness and work with others to meet challenges.
Course content
- Athletics
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Football
- Handball
- Health and Fitness
- Hockey
- Netball
- Rounders
- Rugby
- Softball
- Trampolining
- Tennis
Career opportunities that may benefit from studying Physical Education are; Sports Therapist, Sports Massage, Sports Coach, Sports Scientist, PE Teacher, Sports Journalist, Sports Psychologist, Dietician, Occupational Therapist, Army Instructor, Personal Trainer, Professional Sportsperson, Sports Nutritionist, Youth Worker.