Remote Learning: Information for Year 1 to Year 5 Parents
This information provides clarity and transparency to pupils and parents about what to expect from remote education when national or local restrictions require pupils to stay at home.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page. Information on remote learning for EYFS can be found here.
The remote curriculum: What is taught to pupils at home?
While pupils are unable to attend School, they are taught the same curriculum remotely as they would be taught in School, wherever possible and appropriate.
In the Junior Department, information for each lesson should be outlined for Year 1-5 on SatchelOne by 9.00am each day. This information will include: what work the teacher would like the pupils to complete, how long this should take and how the work should be submitted.
How will my daughter access her remote learning?
- Pupils must log onto SatchelOne each day to find the details of work set for each lesson.
- They are expected to read the instructions of their teachers carefully and apply themselves fully in order to complete all of the work that has been set.
- They must also take note of how the teacher wants the work submitted and ensure they follow that request.
- If there is something they are not sure of, pupils should contact their teacher via the SatchelOne comment section, or email their teacher to seek clarification through their School e-mail account.
- Pupils do not have to complete the work set in order, but they must complete the work due in that day by 4pm.
- Specific guidelines for students participating in lessons via Teams
- Pupils should check SatchelOne daily to ensure they know when the lessons taking place via Teams will occur.
- Pupils should be online a couple of minutes before the lesson takes place to ensure they are prompt to the start of the Teams meeting.
- When the lesson has finished, they must leave the lesson when asked to do so.
What are your expectations for my daughter’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
Parents should support their daughter in completing her work by:
- Ensuring she has logged onto SatchelOne each day. Parents can also log in and check the work that has been set.
- Ensuring their daughter has a quiet place to work, free from distractions.
- Allowing their daughter access to a device that connects to the internet to complete her work.
- Contacting their daughter’s class teacher if they have any concerns.
Remote Education for Self-isolating Students
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in School, work will be set via SatchelOne.