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Junior Department

Our School uniform is designed to be comfortable and smart, whilst offering value for money to parents. Our Junior girls have different uniforms for winter and summer terms, to ensure they remain comfortable in the changing British weather. 

Items should be purchased from our uniform supplier, Schoolwear Solutions unless otherwise stated. 

All Terms

  • School Blazer (for summer uniform and formal occasions)
  • Navy rain jacket, with detachable fleece 
  • Navy V-Neck Jumper
  • Black shoes – Plain, flat and secured to feet. No trainers, no boots and no flashing lights. Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier
  • Blue overall
  • Navy rucksack – (Small for Foundation, Reception, Years 1-2 and Large for Years 3-5) - Provided by School and charged to parent account
  • Wellingtons - Do not need to be purchased from the uniform supplier (EYFS ONLY)
  • Thick welly socks - Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier (EYFS ONLY)
  • PE Uniform

Winter Term

  • Blue polo shirt (Foundation and Reception ONLY) - Does not need to be purchased from uniform supplier
  • White, short-sleeved blouse with revere collar (Year 1 to 5 ONLY) - Does not need to be purchased from the uniform supplier
  • Tartan pinafore (Foundation to Year 2 ONLY)
  • Tartan Kilt (Year 1 to 5 ONLY)
  • Navy knee-length socks or navy tights - Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier
  • Navy fleece hat
  • Navy gloves - Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier
  • School scarf (optional)  

Summer Term

  • Purple and white striped summer dress 
  • White ankle socks – not trainer liners - Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier
  • Plain navy or white sunhat - not denim or baseball cap - Do not need to be purchased from a uniform supplier


  • Hair should be tidy and secured back from the face. Accessories should be plain and navy/blue/cerise/purple/same colour as the hair.
  • Jewellery – No jewellery may be worn by girls in EYFS-Y5 for safety reasons, including religious symbols, sacred threads or earrings. Watches may be worn, however, Smartwatches and FitBits are not permitted in School. The Headmaster may agree to a bracelet or necklace being worn by girls in Years 1 to 5 if it has religious significance. It must be worn under the sleeve/blouse, so it does not show and is removed during PE for safety reasons.
  • Fingernails must be short. No nail varnish is permitted.