Year 6 Roman Banquet
Today we enjoyed a Roman Banquet to demonstrate our topic of 'food' in Ancient Rome. Together we raised a glass of wine (Ribena) to 'salute' our classmates. We enjoyed bread, honey and fruit for our 'Gustatio' (starters) whilst enjoying some 'authentic' Roman music. We then had a break to indulge in some ancient Roman games of chariot racing and 'hit the pinecone'. A few horses got loose during the chariot race but all completed the course safely. Finally, we returned to class to enjoy our Primae Mensae (main course) of garum (fish stew) and our Secundae Mensae (dessert) of honeyed mice, jellyfish and brains (aka marshmallows, chocolate mice and jelly fish). Pupils were presented with their own laurel wreaths to wear during the banquet and wore togas to add a touch of atmosphere to the proceedings. The only thing missing was the authentic tableware!