End of term letter 2019/2020

Dear Parents
What a year! Or, more precisely, what a term! After more than thirty years in education, this term has, for me, been the most fluctuating and challenging in every possible way - as I am sure it has for you too!
I must begin by offering my sincere thanks and gratitude to our students and staff – all of whom have been magnificent in rising to the daily challenges of receiving and providing high quality remote education. The girls have demonstrated amazing resilience, as well as great fortitude, whilst the staff have learnt new skills and a good measure of forbearance. I am very proud of them all. I would like publicly to thank our Governors who, led by Mrs Bowler, have given of their time unstintingly in guiding LHS through these most difficult times. A real community. A close-knit family!
Despite the irregular events of this term, some normality remains and we inevitably, but reluctantly, say goodbye to some valued members of staff who will not be returning to our ‘family’ at the beginning of the new term. Both Mrs Steph Wayman and Mrs Trish Jackson have decided to retire after seventeen and nineteen years (respectively) of committed service in the Junior Department. Miss Alicia Buchanan is also leaving the Junior Department to return to full time education. Mrs Vicki Reed, after a brief two years, is leaving us to take up her well-deserved promotion as Head of Geography in the North of England, and we couldn’t be more pleased for her. Our Security Officer, Mr Amar Pattni, is also leaving us at the end of the Summer Term, and we wish him every happiness in his future pursuits.
It is always sad to say goodbye to members of staff, but we do, of course, wish them every success in all that they do. I look forward to introducing our new members of staff to you and your daughters in September.
One particularly disappointing consequence of COVID-19 has been our inability to celebrate Years 11 and 13 rites of passage. I know Mrs Rose and Miss Purewal have been in regular contact with these year groups, but it is a personal sadness to me that we could not mark the end of their formal education at LHS. I look forward to seeing the girls when they collect their public examination results.
In addition to the difficulties of organising remote learning, the teaching staff have also been faced with the onerous task of creating Centre Assessed Grades for the GCSE and A-Level students. These have, inevitably, been evidence-based and reflect total integrity and transparency. Being a small school has certainly aided this process: every student is well known by her subject teachers.
The Department of Education has confirmed that the results will be available in School on the following dates: A Level on Thursday 13 August and GCSE on Thursday 20 August. Year 13 and 11 students will be advised of times and locations for collection in due course.
The Prime Minister has given every indication that schools will reopen in September, and, therefore, we are planning to begin the Autumn Term as scheduled on Tuesday 1 September 2020.
To close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parent body for their continued, and enthusiastic, support. I have been encouraged by the plethora of letters, emails and cards from parents expressing their gratitude and thanks for the uninterrupted LHS service throughout these unprecedented times.
Let us all look forward to a more settled and safe new School year! In the meantime, I wish you all a safe and happy Summer.
With every good wish.
Yours sincerely
Alan Whelpdale