February Half-term and March Reopening 29.1.21

Following communication from the DfE earlier this week, we will be following their guidance and closing the School, including for Foundation Class and the children of keyworkers, for the February half-term week. I hope you and your daughters can take some time during the week to relax and enjoy some quality family time.
We will reopen for keyworker pupils and Foundation Class, and restart remote learning, on Monday 22 February.
School Reopening for all Pupils
You may have heard the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding plans for returning all pupils to School. The Government will announce their plans for the reopening of schools on 22 February. They have confirmed that pupils will not be returning to School immediately after the February half-term, as previously hoped. Currently, they are hoping that pupils will be able to begin to return to School from Monday 8 March However, at this stage, it is not clear if this will apply to all year groups. We will, of course, keep you updated with information as soon as it becomes available.