Important information about the start of term

Following the government's announcement regarding a staggered return to school in January, we have put together our plans.
As you must be aware, the Government has confirmed that when schools return on Monday 4 January 2021, only primary school students and those in Years 11 and 13 will be taught on site. Key-worker and vulnerable students may also return to school. All other students will be taught remotely during the first week of term.
Therefore, we plan for all students in the Junior Department to return to School and be taught in the usual way. Students in Year 6 will also return and be taught their timetable. Years 11 and 13 students will return and sit their Mock Examinations as planned. Year 12 Mock Examinations will be delayed by one week, and students will be given a week of study leave from Monday 4 January – and begin their exams in the week beginning Monday 11 January.
Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be following their normal timetable remotely, and should be ready to log-on at the beginning of their lessons.
Staff will teach their Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 classes remotely from their teaching classroom. Any key-worker students in the year groups who are not in School will follow their normal timetable in their usual classrooms.
It is anticipated that After-School-Care, in both the Junior Department and Senior School, will continue as usual for the year groups on site.