Leicester High Celebrates Diwali
As the Senior School girls stepped into assembly yesterday morning, they couldn’t fail to be dazzled by the twinkling lights and colourful Ghar mandir that greeted them.
During the assembly, each girl was given a diya to light and hold. Mrs. Jethwa from EYFS presented a wonderful overview of Diwali, discussing its origins, traditions, and significance in her life. She was accompanied by her team, who looked fabulous in traditional Hindu costumes. Our youngest girls, who have just turned 4 and 5 years old, performed a beautiful Diwali Diva dance choreographed and led by Mrs Solanki. Year 5 then read the story of Rama and Sita with such confidence. Beautifully dressed Esha and Shivani from the Sixth Form, also spoke about the part Divali plays in their lives, culture and beliefs.
Photographs taken by Mrs. Jethwa last weekend showcased the vibrant celebrations on Belgrave Road, where thousands gathered to enjoy fireworks and festivities. It was fascinating to learn that Leicester hosts the largest Diwali celebrations outside of India.
After the assembly, Mrs Heywood praised the whole school learning opportunity, “A multi-sensory assembly which gave everyone the opportunity to learn about the differences and similarities between different religious and cultural communities in Leicester which are so relevant in the world we live in today.”
Headmaster, Mr Whelpdale, warmly thanked everyone involved and invited the Junior School to set up a tradition for their return next year. We can’t wait!
Written by Gill Wheeler