Leicester High School for Girls Celebrates Parliament Week

Leicester High School for Girls recently celebrated Parliament Week with a series of educational activities and events that brought the world of politics closer to the students.
The week-long celebration was organised by Mrs Debbie Morgan, Head of Years 8 and 9, as well as Head of PSHCE and it was a great success.
During the week, students had the opportunity to learn about the State Opening of Parliament through an assembly led by Mrs Morgan. This session provided students with insights into the ceremonial and constitutional aspects of this event.
A highlight of Parliament Week was the UK Parliament Week Quiz. House Captains Bea, Pavneet, and Alex organised teams for the quiz, which featured multiple-choice questions and true-or-false rounds covering various aspects of parliamentary history. Beaumanor House emerged as the winner with 23 points, closely followed by Bradgate and Charnwood Houses, each scoring 22 points.
Mrs Morgan stated, "We were delighted to see our students actively engaged and enthusiastic about learning more about our parliamentary system. Understanding our government's workings is a vital part of our education, and these events significantly contributed to our students' civic knowledge."
Leicester High School for Girls is committed to providing a comprehensive education that includes an understanding of civic responsibilities.