School Closure

After the School shuts our gates on Friday 20th March, they will remain closed until further notice, except for children of key workers and vulnerable children, as part of the Government’s ongoing response to coronavirus. This closure extends to all schools and colleges, both in the independent and maintained sector.
Although we fully understand the rationale behind this decision, as a School we are deeply disappointed to be closing our gates to the bulk of our student body. My wonderful staff will continue, to the best of their ability, to provide a continuous education within reasonable parameters for all your daughters during the coming weeks.
For the Senior School, both our students and staff have been trained to use the Show My Homework app. Staff will be able to set work and receive completed work from their students through this online platform. The girls are also confident in down-loading and up-loading work, as are the staff in accessing and responding and returning marked work.
In the Junior Department the girls in EYFS will be sent activity suggestions through Early Excellence’s online learning journal. Parents/carers are asked to upload photographs and make comments about what their daughters have done, so that staff can record achievements in their profiles. In Y1-5 a Home Learning pack will be sent home with resources for next week. Y3-5 are already using Show My Homework and Y1-2 will receive logins to use in future shortly.
Both our students and staff have been trained to use the Show My Homework app. Staff will be able to set work and receive completed work from their students through this online platform. The girls are also confident in down-loading and up-loading work, as are the staff in accessing and responding and returning marked work.
One focus of this academic year has been memory and retention, and, therefore, staff will be continuing to set work which will reinforce this learning objective. Please bear with us, especially in the short term, as we make every effort to support your daughters through their education.
The Government has asked schools to remain open for children of key workers and LHS will remain open to support this.
May I thank our parent body for your continued support, cooperation and understanding. These are unprecedented times and, like you, we are trying to find a way through them with clarity and integrity, whilst, at all times, putting the interests of the LHS community first.
With every good wish.
Yours sincerely
Alan Whelpdale