Start of Term: Update 31st December 2020

Dear Parents
First of all, I do hope you’ve had a restful and enjoyable Christmas.
As you will be aware, Government guidance has been changing at quite a pace. The Leadership Team met this morning and
the following plans are now in place for the beginning of the Spring Term (Monday 4 January 2021).
Week beginning 4 January 2021
From Monday 4 January, all Junior Department and Year 6 students will be in School for face-to-face teaching - they will
follow their usual timetable. In addition, children of Key Workers and those deemed to be ‘vulnerable’ may also be in
School from the first week of term. Would key worker parents please inform the School if they are planning to send their
daughter to School (Years 7 to 13)? Please email:
All children of Key Workers who will be attending School must sign in and out at Reception when they arrive and leave.
All other year groups (Years 7 to 13) will be following their usual timetable and will be taught remotely.
In compliance with Government guidance, late supervision, across the School, will continue to be in place for children of
Key Workers. May I please remind parents that this facility should only be used if it is essential – allowing Key Workers to
complete their duties.
Week beginning Monday 11 January 2021
From Monday 11 January, all Junior Department students and Years 6 students will continue to be in School following their
usual timetable.
Years 11 and 13 students will also return to School and follow their Mock Examination timetable. When not sitting a formal
examination, these students will be on examination leave. Year 12 students will be in School for three days to complete
their Mock Examinations: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They, too, will have study leave when not sitting examinations.
Remote teaching will resume for Year 12 students on Thursday and Friday.
Years 7 to 10 students will continue to follow their usual timetable from home and will be taught remotely.
Week beginning Monday 18 January 2021
According to Gavin Williamson, it is expected that all students, whatever year group, will be in School from Monday 18
Other Business
The School Kitchen will be open and operating as usual from Monday 4 January 2021.
We anticipate that the scheduled Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 14 January will take place remotely.
The Spring Term Extracurricular Timetable will begin on Monday 18 January 2021.
During the week commencing Monday 4 January, we will be putting into place our plans for the rapid Coronavirus testing of all staff and Senior School students in a bid to identify asymptomatic cases. Further details will be shared with parents during the week beginning Monday 4 January.
I’m sorry to have to interrupt your Christmas holiday with School business. However, we are living in ever-changing times and all schools are being forced to respond to guidance on a daily basis.
It’s New Year’s Eve, and I wish all our families a wonderful evening and an even better 2021 (which will not be difficult!).
With every good wish.
Alan Whelpdale