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Return to School for Year 6 - Updated 27.5.20

27 May 2020


Dear Parents

Further to the Headmaster’s letter of 20.5.20 which can be accessed here we are looking forward to welcoming girls in Foundation, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 back to School from 1st June. We will also continue to provide supervision for the children of key workers.

If you have not yet informed us whether your daughter will be returning to School on the 1st June, please can you do so via email to

The details below relate to the return of Year 6. Please read this information carefully as it explains the process for drop off and pick up during the first week. You may wish to share this information with your daughter to reassure her before her return to School. The teaching staff and Nurse Emma will be on hand, either in School or virtually, to provide support for your daughter during this transition back into School.  

If you have any questions that are not answered below or by the FAQs for parents, previously emailed, and reattached here for information, please email


Uniform is to be worn. On days where the girls have PE they will be expected to arrive in their PE kit and continue to wear it throughout the day. They will not be able to get changed in School.  For Art, girls are asked to bring their lab coats.

Please can your daughter also arrive wearing suncream and/or bring some with her as we will be encouraging the girls to spend much of their time outside.

Girls should arrive by 8.30am. There is no early supervision. On drop off they need to head to the gravel area between the Senior School and the Junior Building. This will be signposted. They will be asked to queue there before entering the gym through the external double doors. Year 6 girls must not enter the School through the pupil entrance or main reception entrance. This is to reduce any cross contamination between groups of keyworker children and staff who will be using these entrances.

On the first morning, the girls will be greeted by members of staff and taken to wash their hands. They will then be briefed about the new process for their day before being escorted to their first lessons.

The girls will be grouped in their forms – unless we have a significant imbalance between returning girls from each form, or less than 15 girls return. In which case we may amend groups. Your daughter will remain with her small group throughout the school day, including break and lunchtimes.

The School Day

A new timetable has been created which allows for reduced movement around the School. Each Year 6 group will be assigned the larger spaces in the Senior School to enable social distancing. This will be their classroom for the majority of lessons – other than Art, Music and PE which will take place in their usual teaching spaces.

The kitchen and Tuck Shop remain closed and therefore we are asking all girls to provide a packed lunch and break snacks from home, along with a water bottle. Please remember we are a nut free school.

A one way system, to enable social distancing, will be in operation through the majority of the Senior School. This will be explained to your daughter on her first morning and signage is displayed throughout the School.


There will be no late supervision, apart from for the children of key workers, where supervision will be provided in the Junior Hall until 5.00pm. If your role is as a critical worker, and your daughter has not been attending you would like her to attend, please email with details. The list of eligible key workers roles can be found here

For all other Year 6 girls, they will need to be collected from the tennis courts at 3.45pm. In the case of bad weather, the girls will instead need to be collected from the gravel area outside the Gym.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, once again, for your support of the School during this learning process. We have put a number of measures in place to ensure your daughter’s return to School is as smooth as possible and we will be continually reviewing the measures we have put in place to ensure they provide the best and safest solution for our successful return to School.